Useful info

Course of pediatric patients
Collaborative multidisciplinary meetings :
All treatment decisions for a child must be made in a regional Collaborative Multidisciplinary Meeting to define collegially the best therapeutic strategy for the child and the indication of radiotherapy. If the child does not reside in France, he will still have at least one consultation with a French pediatric oncologist so that his record can be discussed in a National Collaborative Radiotherapy Meeting.
Treatment decision:
After validation of indication of radiotherapy in the Regional Collaborative Multidisciplinary Meeting, the case is presented at the National Collaborative Radiotherapy Meeting to validate the indication of protontherapy. This National meeting is held once a week on Tuesdays our Thursdays. It is asked to the referring physician to transmit the images at the Mediterranean Institute of Protontherapy so that the radiation oncologist can arrange the first consultation, evaluate anesthesia needs and if needed organize an anesthesia consultation.
First consultation:
The first consultation takes place once the indication of proton validated in the National meeting. The radiation therapist meets the child and his legal representatives in consultation in the presence, if necessary, of a pediatric oncologist if the child requires a concomitant hospitalization in pediatric oncology, and a pediatric anesthesiologist.
Simulation CT:
This CT is intended to define the positioning of the child during the whole treatment (contention) and can virtually reconstruct its body in 3D to further delineate the areas to treat and which to protect. If the child does not require anesthesia, simulation CT and dosimetry are preferably the same day as the first consultation. If anesthesia, scanner and dosimetry are organized at the earliest the next day.
This step does not require the presence of the patient. The radiation oncologists delineate volumes to treat and the doses limits to deliver to the treated zone and to the adjacent healthy organs. Treatment planning then determines the position of the irradiation beams and the optimization of the irradiation. Virtual 3D simulation is performed.
The definitive treatment plan that establishes the dose and mode of delivery is jointly validated by the radiation oncologist and medical physicist.
As part of the implementation of outpatient treatment, the family and the child can be accommodated in the accommodation structure of the Centre Antoine Lacassagne “Consolata” or any other place of his choice. If it is desired accommodation at the Consolata, it is strongly recommended to specify at the first consultation with the medical assistant. For more information on accommodation, click here

Course of Adult Patients
Collaborative multidisciplinary meetings
All treatment decisions must be made in a regional Collaborative Multidisciplinary Meeting to define collegially the best therapeutic strategy and the indication of radiotherapy. If you do not reside in France, If you do not live in France, you will still have at least one consultation with a French oncology radiation therapist so that your case can be discussed in the regional collaborative multidisciplinary meeting.
Treatment decision:
After the validation of the indication of radiotherapy by the regional multidisciplinary meeting, the case is presented in the national collaborative radiotherapy meeting to validate the indication of protontherapy; this national meeting takes place once a week either on Tuesdays or Thursdays. It is asked to the referring physician to address the images to the Mediterranean Institute of Protontherapy so that the radiation oncologist can organize the first consultation, evaluate the needs of anesthesia and if needed organize a consultation with an anesthesiologist.
First consultation:
The first consultation takes place once the indication of proton is validated in the national collaborative radiotherapy meeting.
Simulation CT
This scanner is intended to define your position throughout treatment (compression) and can virtually reconstruct your 3D body to further delineate the areas to treat and which to protect.
This step does not require your presence. The radiation oncologists delineate volumes to treat and the doses limites to deliver to the treated zone and to the adjacent healthy organs. Treatment planning then determines the position of the irradiation beams and the optimization of the irradiation. Virtual 3D simulation is performed.
The definitive treatment plan that establishes the dose and mode of delivery is jointly validated by the radiation oncologist and medical physicist.
Paperwork :
Treatment with proton therapy is reimbursed at 100% within the ALD. For admission, you are asked to come with his social security card, insurance card and ID. In some cases, pre-admission will be done, you will be asked to send these documents by fax or email. If you are not residing on French territory, you are asked to contact the Mediterranean Institute of Proton Therapy at this number: 04 92 03 10 80 or by mail
As part of the implementation of outpatient treatment, the patient can be accommodated in the accommodation structure of the Centre Antoine Lacassagne “Consolata” or any other place of his choice. If it is desired accommodation at the Consolata, it is strongly recommended to specify at the first consultation with the medical assistant. For more information on accommodation,
Starting the treatment
A protontherapy requires several sessions: one session per day, 5 sessions / week for several weeks. There is no session on weekends and holidays.

How to come to the Mediterranean Institute of Protontherapy
Located at 227 Avenue de la Lanterne – Nice 06200, the West site houses the Mediterranean Institute of proton therapy (Cyclotron Medicyc and Proteus®One) and the CyberKnife.
Access map :
Car Parking :
Free parking on site.
By public transportation :
Ligne D’azur Buses
Line 60 : Carras / Fremont – Croix de Berra. Stop “Ecole de Fabron
Be careful as the schedule of this bus is scarce
“La Consolata” aims to welcome and accommodate patients whose condition does not require medical or paramedical surveillance. It is open to all and welcomes all nationalities, all social security plans and income levels.
To benefit from the services of the Consolata housing structure, it is necessary, depending on availability, to request and be programmed for treatment, examination or consultation at the Antoine Lacassagne Centre.
You can come accompanied by a person to the extent of availability and subject to the rules of the accommodation costs – to be confirmed when booking.
The medical program programmed by your physician does not automatically provide accommodation at the Consolata housing structure.
You have to make the reservation yourselves as soon as possible :
– s- Either by phone at +33 (0) 4 93 83 78 12
Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00
Saturday from 8:30 to 11:30
Sunday 14:00 to 18:00
-By mail:
An estimate will be established and a confirmation will be sent in writing as soon as possible with all of your treatment appointments. You may be asked an advance on hospitality expenses.
Administrative paperwork
Upon arrival, you will be asked to provide proof of identity and an address of a person to contact in case of emergency, especially if you stay alone at the Consolata. If a person is accompanying you, she will also need to present an ID and fill out an information sheet.
Your stay
Admissions are on Sundays between 14:00 and 17:00 – except for patients necessitating to arrive on Wednesday for medical reasons. We thank you for respecting these times to facilitate the life of the housing structure. Copies of transportation accommodations (plane or train) or the elements necessary to ensure you arrive at the proper time will need to be communicated prior at least 5 days before arrival.
The length of stay is about 14 days for ocular tumors (low-energy proton) and a month / month and a half for other tumors (high-energy proton). However, some conditions may require different treatment and stay durations. It is rare but possible for practical reasons that the week of preparation might be separated from the rest of treatment and that two separate stays are necessary.

The daily fee is set by the Board of the Centre Antoine Lacassagne at 85 € for one night + 3 meals (decision of the Board in April 2014). This package cannot be modified.
If you beneficiate from a social security reimbursement, no advance fees will be required.
For stays longer than 15 days, management will establish an estimate based on a monthly fee.
We can also offer a list of hotels at preferential rates
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